The short film tells the story of Boy de Kleine Pianist, a slightly autistic son (11 years old) of a poor fruit picker in South Beveland. September 1944. He becomes fascinated and inspired by the bombing of Antwerp and the anti-aircraft guns of the Allies. The start of the Battle of the Scheldt. In the many explosions and explosions in the air (‘Black Puffs’), he discovers and hears a magical melody. Waving his hands, he fantasizes and conducts his piano piece on the dike, while watching the bombs rain. focused. Determined. When he gradually wants to start composing on his piano, he is opposed by his authoritarian and gruff father. He thinks hands are meant for work, not for flapping. His older brother (14 years old) tries to protect him, but can he resist father enough? And will Boy finish his composition in time before the bombing subsides?